Who We Are

AvTech Management Systems is an organization specializing in system develop (technology) along with leadership training.  We develop unique automated systems (client specific – flexibility) to assist companies with overall work management (forecasting, planning/scheduling, assigning work, execution of work, reporting tools, etc.).  Our systems/process allow leaders and users to focus on process and behavioral opportunities throughout the value-stream while generating real-time results.

AvTech Management Systems focuses on People, Processes, Systems and Results. We work with all types of organizations and industries who are seeking to improve their overall company health (Safety, Quality, Schedule and Cost) and performance through system and process optimization.  AvTech accomplishes this though a combination of a fully-customizable tools (system), leadership skills training/development and the reduction of non-value added activities/processes.

Our professionals all have over 20 years of management experience in a vast array of industries with successful endeavors in all.  Industries include: Nuclear, Aerospace, Automotive, Medical, General Manufacturing, Service-oriented, etc.

We have experienced a wide variety of business, process and operating problems that all companies face.  We utilize this experience to assist in the development of solutions (technical and behavioral) while providing leadership the ownership of the entire process throughout - partnership.

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